Thursday, 28 August 2014

Facebook 成癮的人的氣色,就像尼古丁一樣。一旦上了癮,那氣味就再嗅不出來了。

Siquiera - Essential Spanish Grammar Advanced

Al ignorar los flujos la teoría económica termina tratando al agotamiento del recurso y a la polución como costos externos "sorpresa", si es que siquiera se los admite.

si es que = en caso de que, which goes with subjective.

Siquiera = just/only (tan solo) in this case.

admitir = accept
admitirse = admit

So the whole phrase would mean: if he'd even admit it.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

大麻在烏拉圭是合法的 Marijuana is Legal in Uruguay


On the other side of the world, marijuana is not a drug.
One of those things in life which we thought we have a clear understanding yet it's nothing but a preconception.